Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nations cannot agree on curbing Japan whale hunt

By Arthur Max, associated PressAGADIR, Morocco — Japanese officials and environmentalists traded blame Wednesday as Nations failed to reach a deal to control whale hunts by Japan, Norway and Iceland — countries that kill hundreds of whales every year 88 Nations International Whaling Commission was held two days of intense closed-door talks on the basis of a proposal in order to facilitate the 25-year-old ban on commercial whaling Exchange for smaller kills by the three countries which qualify for exemption to a moratorium on hunting for profit.Around 1500 animals are killed each year in Japan, Norway and Iceland. Japan, which kills most of the whales, insists on his hunt for research — but more whale meat and products of the whale's Japanese restaurant than in laboratories.The key sticking point was that the Agency declared the shrine of whaling in 1994 in the Southern Ocean south of Australia, but Japanese ships hunt freely there because the Agency does not have any enforcement powers.Australia began already complaints against Japanese Wielorybnicza in the International Court of Justice in the Hague, the Supreme Court of the UNITED NATIONS.Acting IWC Chairman Anthony Liverpool, said the meeting opened Wednesday that "the basic position remained far apart." "After nearly three years of discussions, it seems our discussions are at a stalemate," said the Chief delegate of the U.S. Monica Medina. Japanese Wielorybnicza Yasue Funayama Commissioner told her country had offered major concessions to reach a compromise and accused anti-whaling countries which refused to accept the killing of a single animal. "We must rise above politics and engage in a wider perspective, "said Funayama. Anti-Whaling countries seek to end Japan's forays in the Southern Ocean Hunting Wielorybnicza shrine, a ban on international trade in whale meat and set firm quotas for Peoples whaling for next years 10. proposed transaction will let Japan kill 400 whales in the South of the shrine for the next five yearsthat many countries, that was too high and that Japan Saw with as main concessions. Set in Japan 2009 quota for each kill more than 900 whales, but have not reached this figure due to the harassment of the anti-whaling groupsAustralia and groups of countries in Latin America held firm on zero of whaling in the Antarctic ocean, said a delegate from a country of whaling. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak in the media.Iceland refused to consider any transaction limit for the international sale of whale products, he added.Be blamed for the breakdown of Japan. "If Japan had agreed to phase out in the Southern Ocean, would be a good opportunity "for the transaction," said Wendy Elliott WWF.Other defenders expressed relief that the 25-year-old ban on whaling has not been lifted. "This has been done here, this contract would be lived in infamy, "said Patrick Ramage, the International Fund for Animal Welfare .it was unclear if the private discussions will continue until the meeting is scheduled to Close on Friday. Many delegations called break of one year in the efforts.The formal talks will Center on issues such as preventing collisions between whales and ships, the effects of climate change and to the discussion on the research of the planned Russian crude oil in seasonal feeding grounds of endangered Gray Whale.Some derive have accused Japan of purchase of the vote, using development aid money and personal przyslugi Jitter small, poorer Nations to its side in the debate of whaling.But a delegate from Saint Kitts and Nevis, Daven Joseph said the media and environmental groups to stop the allegations. "We have been accused of being surrogates. This is not the case, "he said.Liverpool, a diplomat from Antigua and Barbuda and the Ambassador of Japan, is quoted by the British paper as unless Japanese interests paid hotel bills for him and says he does not see anything "odd about that."Whaling Commission was created after World War II, to the conservation and management of whale stocks. Tens of thousands of animals killed each year until 1986, when the IWC adopted a moratorium.Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Guidelines: You share in the USA TODAY Community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally and keep your language decent. Use the "report abuse" button to make the difference. Learn more.

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