Sunday, May 1, 2011

Radar reveals the extent of the ancient Egyptian city buried

In CAIRO, EGYPT (AP) — an Austrian archeological team used radar imaging to determine the scope of the ruins of the once 3.500 year-old foreign capital, said the Department concluded Egypt Antiquities Sunday with 1664. Egypt-1569 B.C. demolished by the Hyksos, Warrior people from Asia, possibly Semitic in originin the summer capital, which was in the area of the Northern Delta. Irene Mueller, the head of the Austrian team, said the main objective of the project is to determine how far extends Metro City.Imaging radar showed the outlines of streets, houses and temples behind the green box and the modern city of Tel holding al-Dabaa. Archaeology Chief Zahi Hawass said in a statement that such noninvasive techniques are the best way to determine the scope of the site. Delta Egypt is densely populated and heavily farmed, which makes it difficult, unlike in southern Egypt with his more Famous tombs and temples, extensive excavations desert.An Austrian team of archaeologists working in the site since 1975. Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Guidelines: You share in the USA TODAY Community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally and keep your language decent. Use the "report abuse" button to make the difference. Learn more.

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